Jvmalin.fr is a multimodal information service on transport in the Centre-Val de Loire region piloted by the Centre-Val de Loire Region
in partnership with :
- Rémi Intercity Mobility Network
- Agglobus Syndicate AgglobusBourges
- Vib City of Vierzon
- Filibus Chartres Metropolis
- Linéad Urban Community of Drouais in the Pays de Dreux
- Nobus City of Nogent-le-Rotrou
- Skyline Chateauroux Metropolis
- TIG Community of Communes of the Pays d'Issoudun
- Fil Bleu Touraine Mobility Union
- The City of Amboise Bus
- AZALYS – Agglopolys Agglomeration Community of Blois
- MOVE Agglomeration Community “Territories of Vendôme”
- TAO Orleans Metropolis
- Amelys Montargeoise and Rives du Loing Agglomeration Community
- Regional Council of Centre-Val de Loire 9, rue Saint-Pierre Lentin CS 94117 45041 Orléans Cedex 1 Tel. : 02 38 70 30 30 Fax: 02 38 70 31 18
1. Identification
- Director of publication: François Bonneau, President of the Centre-Val de Loire Region
- Site manager: Catherine Monsigny
- Technical maintenance: Instant System, service provider for the Centre-Val de Loire Region
- Technical and functional realization: Instant System
- Graphic design: Instant System
Site hosting:
- Google Compute Engine:: https://cloud.google.com/compute/
- Data hosted in Belgium.
2. Protection of personal data
2.1 Processing of personal data
The personal information collected on the Jvmalin site is intended for the Centre-Val de Loire Region, responsible for the computer processing of this data. The Centre-Val de Loire Region undertakes to respect the provisions of the law on data processing and freedoms (law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978). Consequently, data subjects have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them. To exercise this right, they must send an email to the address info-cnil@regioncentre.fr indicating in the subject “Personal data”.
2.2 Collection and nature of data collected
The information that the Centre-Val de Loire Region through the Jvmalin site is required to collect comes from their voluntary communication by natural persons by entering on the online forms that are:
- The “Contact” page: this page allows you to answer questions asked by Internet users. Personal data may in this respect be transmitted to the service provider Instant System, site manager, the Centre-Val de Loire Region and all of the site's partner communities. These data are the sole property of the Centre-Val de Loire Region.
- The “My account” page: this page allows you to create a user account.
- Personal data can only be used by the Centre-Val de Loire Region and its service provider Instant System, site manager.
- These personal data are the property of the Centre-Val de Loire Region.
3. Intellectual property
This site constitutes a work of which the Centre-Val de Loire Region is the author within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The Centre-Val de Loire Region is the owner of the website implemented for the operation of the multimodal information system on passenger transport in the Centre-Val de Loire Region. The technical data feeding the site remains the property of each partner community.
The logos, icons and graphic chips represented on the site are protected by copyright and articles L.511.1 et seq. Of the Intellectual Property Code relating to the protection of registered models.
Reproductions, on paper or computer, of the said site and the works reproduced therein are authorized provided that they are strictly reserved for personal use excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes. and/or that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.
With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the various works that compose it , without having obtained the prior authorization of the Centre-Val de Loire Region – Department of Infrastructure and Transport, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting.
4. Establishment of hypertext links
4.1 Establishment of hypertext links
The Centre-Val de Loire Region authorizes the establishment of a hypertext link to jvmalin for private websites, blogs, portals or organizations linked or not to the Centre-Val de Loire Region, on the condition that these they do not disseminate illegal content, information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, affect the sensitivity of the greatest number. The link must lead to the home page of the site, and the site www.jvmalin.fr must appear in a new window. The pages of the site must in no case be integrated within the pages of another site. In all cases, the Centre-Val de Loire Region reserves the right to request the deletion of a link if it is considered that the target site does not comply with the rules thus defined.
4.2 Links to third-party sites
The Centre-Val de Loire Region reserves the right to point or not to third-party sites. The Internet user who accesses these links leaves the jvmalin site. These sites are not under the control of the Centre-Val de Loire Region, therefore the latter is not responsible for the content of these sites, the links they contain or any changes or updates to them. brought.
5. Liability
The Centre-Val de Loire Region cannot be held responsible for the faulty transmission of data due to the various Internet networks or incompatibilities due to the user's browser.
The jvmalin site contains general information only, they are not intended to relate to the specific situation of a natural or legal person. This information does not constitute professional or legal advice that would require the competence of a duly qualified professional. The information on the jvmalin site cannot be considered as offers of services from the Centre-Val de Loire Region.
Anyone wishing to benefit from one of the services or aid presented on the jvmalin site can contact the Direction des Infrastructures et des Transports de la Région Centre-Val de Loire to ensure the availability of the service or aid sought as well only the eligibility conditions applicable to them.
The Centre-Val de Loire Region cannot be held responsible for material errors that may have slipped into the documents on the site, despite the care taken in their publication.
The Centre-Val de Loire Region reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and these legal notices at any time, without notice.
6. Technical recommendations
All the efforts of the Centre-Val de Loire Region tend towards the greatest compatibility of access to the jvmalin site.
7. Use of personal data
As part of the use of the services offered by the jvmalin mobile application, a privacy policy applies to all your visits, consultations within the application.
This privacy policy describes how jvmalin collects and uses the information collected, as well as how to access and erase this information when necessary.
You can download the privacy policy by clicking below: