JVMalin website accessibility declaration

The Centre-Val de Loire Region undertakes to make its websites accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.


To this end, the Center Val de Loire Region is putting a new website online as part of its JVMalin project. This new website “jvmalin.fr” is notably equipped with information functions, a route calculator, timetable search and real-time information on disruptions.

The implementation of article 47 of the law of February 11, 2005 on equal opportunities stipulates that all public online communication services must be accessible to all. The Center Val de Loire Region undertakes to make its websites accessible in accordance with this legal provision.

The audit of the “jvmalin.fr” website was carried out by Access42 simultaneously with the design of the pages and functionalities. This audit noted non-compliances. Modifications to the site are underway to remove these non-compliances.”


This accessibility declaration applies to the JVMalin site.


Compliance status

The JVMalin website (https://www.jvmalin.fr/) is partially compliant with the general framework for improving accessibility, RGAA version 4.1, due to the nonconformities listed in the “Test Results” section.


Test results

The compliance audit carried out by the company Access42 reveals that the site is 54,41% compliant with RGAA version 4.1.


Inaccessible content


The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons.

  • Images carrying information have no alternative or no relevant alternative; 
  • Decorative images are not ignored by assistive technologies;
  • Images carrying complex information require detailed description;
  • Texts and interface components have insufficient contrast;
  • Links do not have titles;
  • JavaScript features are not compatible with assistive technologies or are not keyboard accessible (including modal windows, showing and hiding content, and tab systems), or make inappropriate use of properties ARIA;
  • Status messages are not returned by assistive technologies;
  • Language changes in the text are not noted;
  • Pages use tags for presentation purposes (e.g. empty paragraphs and unstructured text in paragraph tags) 
  • Pages have an irrelevant title hierarchy (missing or poorly defined titles);
  • The structure and main areas of the pages are poorly defined;
  • Sequences of elements are not structured with lists;
  • Presentational HTML attributes are present in some pages;
  • Pages contain information inserted in CSS which is not rendered by assistive technologies;  
  • Content does not appear in a logical order in the source code;
  • Some texts with a defined font color do not have an associated background color;
  • Links in a text environment are not sufficiently visible;
  • Visual indications of focus are not sufficiently contrasted or are disabled;
  • Information is conveyed only through form;
  • Certain additional content appearing when hovering or focusing cannot be controlled by the user;
  • Form fields do not have correctly linked labels or no labels
  • Fields of the same nature are not grouped together;
  • Input aids are absent or irrelevant for fields that require a particular format and mandatory fields are not correctly indicated;
  • Some forms do not allow fields to be automatically filled with user data;
  • Pages have problems in the tab path;
  • A PDF document is not accessible;
  • Moving or flashing content cannot be controlled by the user.


Content not subject to the accessibility obligation


  • “Network” page maps: alternatives are available;
  • The maps of the “route”, “timetables” and “traffic information” pages: the forms and their results serve as an alternative;
  • Testing of the reCAPTCHA service: third-party content.


Establishment of this accessibility statement

This declaration was established on 10/11/2023.


Technologies used to create the site


  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Content management tool: WordPress


User agents, assistive technologies, and tools used to verify


Testing of web pages was carried out with combinations of web browsers and readers
following screens:

  • Firefox 116 and NVDA 2023.1;
  • Firefox 116 and JAWS 2022;
  • Safari 16.5 and VoiceOver (macOS Ventura version 13.4);
  • Safari and VoiceOver (iOS 15.6);
  • Chrome 115 and TalkBack (native Android 13).

The accessibility check is the result of manual testing, assisted by tools (dedicated CSS sheets, HeadingsMaps and WebDeveloper Toolbar extensions, Color Contrast Analyzer).


Site pages that have been subject to compliance verification

  1. Home : https://www.jvmalin.fr/
  2. Contact : https://www.jvmalin.fr/contactez-nous/
  3. Legal Notice : https://www.jvmalin.fr/mentions-legales/
  4. Accessibility: https://www.jvmalin.fr/accessibilite/
  5. Sitemap : https://www.jvmalin.fr/plan-du-site/
  6. Help / FAQ: https://www.jvmalin.fr/aide-faq/
  7. Authentication:
  8. Search results : https://www.jvmalin.fr/?s=bus
  9. All your trips: https://www.jvmalin.fr/tous-vos-deplacements/
  10. Bike : https://www.jvmalin.fr/velo/
  11. Park-and-ride : https://www.jvmalin.fr/parc-relais/
  12. Titles and prices: https://www.jvmalin.fr/titres-et-tarifs/
  13. Partner networks: https://www.jvmalin.fr/category/reseaux-partenaires/
  14. Network: https://www.jvmalin.fr/reseaux-partenaires/departement-de-lindre-et-
  15. JVMaline card: https://www.jvmalin.fr/carte-jvmalin/
  16. itinerary : https://www.services.jvmalin.fr/fr/itineraire
  17. hours : https://www.services.jvmalin.fr/fr/horaires
  18. traffic information: https://www.services.jvmalin.fr/fr/infos-trafic


Feedback and contact

It is important to remember that under article 11 of the law of February 2005:

“the disabled person has the right to compensation for the consequences of their disability, whatever the origin and nature of their deficiency, their age or their lifestyle. »

The Centre-Val de Loire Region undertakes to take the necessary means to provide access, within a reasonable time, to the information and functionalities sought by the disabled person, whether the content is subject to an exemption or not.

The Centre-Val de Loire Region invites people who may encounter difficulties to contact it secretariat.transports@centrevaldeloire.fr  so that assistance can be provided (accessible alternative, information and content
given in another form).



If you notice an accessibility defect preventing you from accessing content or functionality of the site, you report it to us and you are unable to obtain a response from us, you have the right to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Defender of Rights.
Several means are at your disposal: